The Charitable Arm of the Birmingham Bar Association

The Birmingham Bar Foundation serves as the charitable arm of the Birmingham Bar Association. Established in 1994 and converted to a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit corporation in 2001, the Foundation functions to promote and support the charitable work of the Association. You may contact the Birmingham Bar Foundation at:

P.O. Box 1905, Birmingham Alabama 35203


(205) 974-2279

Below is a list of resources and projects that the Foundation supports. Please visit the “Events” page for current Foundation event information.

  • Birmingham Bar Foundation Fellows Endowment Program

  • Appellate Court Oral Arguments in Birmingham

  • Periodic grants to local charitable programs

  • Resolve 2 Solve Conflict Resolution Program

  • Raising the Bar Mock Trial Program

  • Juror Handbooks – provided in Memory of John Nathanael "Nat" Bryan Sr. (1960 - 2008)

  • Free wireless internet service in the Jefferson County Courthouse jury assembly room – provided in Memory of John Nathanael "Nat" Bryan Sr. (1960 - 2008)

  • Fundraising agent for Birmingham Bar Association Section charitable activities

  • Fundraising agent for Birmingham Bar Association Memorial Scholarship Fund



In 1994 the Birmingham Bar Foundation was incorporated as the charitable arm of the Birmingham Bar Association by the following visionary Birmingham Bar Association members: Ronnie Noojin, Edgar Elliott, Bill Clark, Edward Allen, Andrew Campbell, Bill Dawson, Tim Dillard, Warren Lightfoot, Rodney Max, Carol Sue Nelson, Alton Parker, Lee Pittman, Ferris Ritchey III, Bill Rose and Tom Woodall. These members became the initial Board of Directors for the Birmingham Bar Foundation, with Mr. Noojin serving as the President, Mr. Elliot serving as the Vice President, and Mr. Clark serving as the Secretary-Treasurer.

During that same time, the Birmingham Bar Association under the leadership of President Bill Clark and President-Elect Fred Ingram, was exploring purchasing property located on 2nd Avenue North and known as the Drennen Building in which to house its operations. The Association and Foundation leadership formulated a plan for Association members to participate in a Capital Campaign by pledging $100 per year for five (5) years to pay $1.2 million to purchase and renovate the new Birmingham Bar Association home. 

Many law firms and attorneys renewed their pledges for additional years and gave generously to the building campaign. Through these gifts the mortgage was paid in full in January 2003. A donor recognition wall stands in the Bar Center lobby paying tribute to these many generous gifts by Birmingham Bar Association members. 

In 2001, the Birmingham Bar Foundation was converted to a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and today continues to serve as the charitable arm of the Birmingham Bar Association, promoting and supporting charitable work of the Association and activities in furtherance of justice and legal education.



We are grateful to the Birmingham Bar Association members who contribute their time and talents
to the Birmingham Bar Foundation. Please click below for a list of our leaders.